Here's a bit of an update.
After a lot of thinking, planning, and experimenting, I think I have the basic idea of what player-bot's rig is gonna look like. Making custom rigs is totally new to me and I spent a lot of time looking up tutorials. It's been interesting expanding upon the bit I knew previous about rigs and its starting to make a lot more sense now.
The main objects that are gonna be animated are his arms, wheel, visor, and himself (get the body to balance on the wheel/the wheel to be able to move forward a bit independent of the body).
I'm gonna see if I can schedule a meeting with our animation teacher here to get some advice/help with the rig.
Enemy bot's finished model with color |
Made some new concepts for helperbot as well! Last time we looked over playerbot as a team we weren't really sure what to do with him so we let him be to work on the player and enemy bot.
Having those two done already makes it a little easier to see what kind of designs will fit in and make the trio more cohesive together. Helperbot needs to have a more horizontal silhouette because he blocks the player from escaping and acts kind of like a net/barrier. The player is more vertical and is sort of 'standing up', making it vaguely humanoid. And the design of the enemy bot has a lot of small sharp edges with its tiny knife-like feet. It also kind of looks like a seedy little bug.
Im personally fond of design D. The idea of it idling spinning it's solar panels while it floats makes me smile.
See you all later this week with more rig updates and a final design for helperbot.
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